Cow Face

Cow Face

Cow Face is punchy coffee sipped through a sweet icy cream layer. This century’s response to Irish coffee has arrived.

This is our first creamy cocktail recipe and it’s been a huge hit from the first test.

It works equally well with cow’s milk cream or coconut cream, so choose your preference.

Recipients: Lovers of a cappuccino, a white Russian or Kahlua and milk

Type: Frozen and layered

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Fool’s Gold

Fool’s Gold

Fool’s Gold is a love child conceived the fateful evening Pina Colada, our exotic chanteuse, glanced up from her microphone to catch the lingering gaze of district larrikin, PineLime Splice.

The product is a light, vanilla crema floating over chilled pine lime tang.

Cream is created by enzymes in pineapple that foam when blended and take up the vanilla flavour.

You can drink Fool’s Gold all night. No dairy. No coconut cream.

Recipients: Guests who like a pina colada without the heavy cream.

Type: Frozen and blended

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Zulu Warrior

Zulu Warrior

Zulu Warrior is so cool and fruity she’s like an afternoon ice block after a day of scorching toil in a dusty garden.

This is not my original cocktail. It is included here because there are a few different versions floating about. We’ve tried them and have made one significant adjustment to ensure a superior result. Zulu Warrior is not a common drink and I think it deserves to be more popular, mainly so we can order them easily while out and about.

Recipients: Guests who prefer low alcohol drinks but want full flavour

Type: Frozen and blended

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This was my second popular cocktail invention. It arrived hot on the heals of the Measle, and tastes even better. It is pretty good on a hot summer day in January when your tray of mangoes needs to be eaten. Straya really is an all round typical Aussie – good looking with good taste.

Recipients: People who like smoothies, everyone else

Type: Frozen

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Strawberry Sour

Strawberry Sour

Strawberry Sour is a strawberry flavoured cocktail, a bit like a frozen daiquiri or margarita. The main differences are that it is more tangy than sweet and doesn’t contain strawberry liqueur, which in my unsophisticated opinion, smells like strawberry lipgloss. I have strawberries and raspberry cordial in the house more often than strawberry liqueur.

Raspberry cordial makes the colour a weirdly bright red. If you can’t bear the artificial colouring replace the cordial with a sweetener of your choice. Caster sugar will do. It will be pale pink instead.

Confession: This recipe is inspired by the sourness of a Zulu Warrior, which has a few more ingredients, including strawberry liqueur, Midori and melon.

Recipients: Cocktail lovers who like to sip their drinks.

Type: Frozen

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This was my first popular cocktail invention, and so it’s my namesake. It’s popularity stems from its looks because the previous failures had good flavour but looked like gumboots. Nobody wanted to taste them.

Blue curacao is one of those bottles you don’t buy but seem to have in the cupboard anyway. I don’t love its flavour, whatever that is, but if you have some blue stuff, you can make this. And the end result tastes good.

Bonus: The colouring will keep you dancing and bouncing off the walls like you’re 20 again.

Confession: The Measle is basically a frozen Fruit Tingle made with gin. You can make it with vodka but I think the aroma of gin works.

Recipients: Young friends, people who like bling, people who are content with one flashy drink because I don’t want to make another round of these.

Type: Frozen

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Lemon Sorbet

Lemon Sorbet

This has an unusual method but it’s worth it. It is a drink I make for myself.

I usually make this when I have juicy, thin skinned lemons. Grapefruit works, too.

The ingredients include caster sugar and I prefer it to sugar syrup in this one. If it doesn’t dissolve I enjoy the fine, crunchy grit that adds to the texture of the blended lemon.

Recipients: People who like to sip their drinks. Nobody enjoys brain freeze.

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