

Waterfall is a picturesque landscape in a cocktail. Tasty and easy, too. You won’t be apprehensive pouring this layered drink. Follow our lead. We’ve worked out all the kinks.

Your guests’ tastebuds will adore the fruity flavour combination while her clear and cloudy aqua blue layers are sweet eye candy.

Recipients: Guests who love sipping long, cold cocktails by the pool.

Type: Built in the glass

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This was my first popular cocktail invention, and so it’s my namesake. It’s popularity stems from its looks because the previous failures had good flavour but looked like gumboots. Nobody wanted to taste them.

Blue curacao is one of those bottles you don’t buy but seem to have in the cupboard anyway. I don’t love its flavour, whatever that is, but if you have some blue stuff, you can make this. And the end result tastes good.

Bonus: The colouring will keep you dancing and bouncing off the walls like you’re 20 again.

Confession: The Measle is basically a frozen Fruit Tingle made with gin. You can make it with vodka but I think the aroma of gin works.

Recipients: Young friends, people who like bling, people who are content with one flashy drink because I don’t want to make another round of these.

Type: Frozen

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