Zulu Warrior

Zulu Warrior, a fruity, strawberry and melon cocktail to cool you down on a hot day
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Zulu Warrior is so cool and fruity she’s like an afternoon ice block after a day of scorching toil in a dusty garden.

This is not my original cocktail. It is included here because there are a few different versions floating about. We’ve tried them and have made one significant adjustment to ensure a superior result. Zulu Warrior is not a common drink and I think it deserves to be more popular, mainly so we can order them easily while out and about.

Recipients: Guests who prefer low alcohol drinks but want full flavour

Type: Frozen and blended




Cocktail glass, martini glass or margarita glass



30 ml strawberry liqueur

30 ml watermelon liqueur

30 ml lemon juice

3 – 4 medium strawberries, calyx removed or equivalent strawberry pieces

Half a wedge of rockmelon – or cantaloupe, honeydew or similarly textured melon. Do not use watermelon.


One whole strawberry with calyx still on.



1. Get out your blender and put in a good scoop of ice.

2. Pour 30ml of strawberry liqueur over the ice, followed by 30ml of watermelon liqueur and 30ml of lemon juice.

3. Add into your blender 3 – 4 medium strawberries and the half wedge of melon.

4. Blend until smooth.

5. Pour this mixture into your cocktail glass.

6. Using a knife, split your whole strawberry halfway up the length and slide it onto the lip of your glass as a garnish.



When I was in my late 20s one of our local hangs, the Florida Beach Bar at Crowne Plaza, Terrigal, used to serve an excellent Zulu Warrior, but only when the beach hut bar was open. I suspect they were the speciality of one staff member. Scarcity of this sweet and sour adult slushie increased demand in my eyes so every time we ended up at the ‘Beery,’ as it was known, I’d ask for one, and didn’t always get it. I now make my own and you can also reap the rewards of my frustration and stubbornness decades, not telling you how many, later.


Icy cold with a natural fruit flavour, Zulu Warrior is the drink your friends want. 
We know because she's what our friends want.
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Icy cold with a natural fruit flavour, Zulu Warrior is the drink your friends want.  We know because she’s what our friends want.


Other Zulu Warrior recipes use Midori, which I’ve replaced with watermelon liqueur. If you have or prefer Midori, by all means, use it instead. And likewise, if you have any other melon liqueur this would also work. We aim for our recipes to have a high chance of success while being as easy as possible.

Even though Midori is widely available and is the original liqueur in this recipe, my preference for watermelon liqueur is because the green of Midori muddies the red of strawberries and yields a drink that is a washed out colour.


Click here for our other frozen cocktail recipes


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