Huggy Bear

Huggy Bear

This hardly qualifies as a recipe. It’s more like another way to drink stout. However, as the anecdote testifies, we can get still it wrong.

You get the calming effect of a deep draught of black beer followed by a musky, awakening smell of coffee in the back of your nose.

Stout can fill you up. Oddly, I can drink a few of these, in a row.

Huggy Bear envelopes you like thick, cosy, fur then shoves you onto the dance floor to embarrass your kids.

Recipients: Guests with mature palates

Type: Made in glass

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Foxy Brown

Foxy Brown

This is an odd combo. I can’t think of any other drink or food that combines orange and coffee. However, it just works, in a mature way. I will admit, I didn’t come up with it. This is my sister, Adele’s idea and we tried it.

At first, this tastes like none of the ingredients. Though, a calming earthiness overcomes. Then, you detect smoky coffee and musky orange oil, carried along by yeasty bubbles.

Recipients: Bubbly drinkers who need to catch a breath, rest and reflect. Maybe they need a reward for a job well done or making it to the end of a working week. We drink Foxy Brown quite a bit. Hehe!

Type: Made in the glass

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Crazy Bull

Crazy Bull

The Crazy Bull is everything in a glass. It’s our Spanish cocktail that is rich in colour, texture, sweet, sour and punchy!

The Crazy Bull is named for Miguel Maestre, Australia’s ball of fire in the shape of a chef. His excitement is contagious and so is his drink. He is a favourite with mums because his recipes are doable and he reminds us of our sons.

The Crazy Bull is layered in red and yellow to resemble the Spanish flag. And includes that popular vanilla liqueur from Spain, Licor 43.

Recipients: Guests who love fun drinks and those who like to drink with their eyes, first.

Type: Made in the glass

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Glorious is how I imagine classic, tall 60s and 70s cocktails taste. The warmth of orange, burnt sugar and raisin are bittersweet layers in this long drink.

Glorious is named for my mum, Gloria. Her preferred tipple is scotch whisky. Cocktails she likes tend to be slow sippers with natural, deep, mellow tastes. Mum is not into garish colours and sugar rims, unless on holiday.

Recipients: Guests who like to sip their drinks for a while. Friends with maturity. Whisky lovers.

Type: Made in the glass

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Nigella is named for Nigella Lawson.

Nigella embodies what Cocktails For Mums is all about. She encourages women to cook for themselves and for enjoyment every day, something we forget we can do. She is eloquent and clear in communication that reminds us of the strength of nurture.

I’ve spent years thinking how to embody our respect for Nigella in a cocktail. And this drink is deep, intense and shaken into a salt crusted coupe as a counterfoil to the initial sweetness with nigella seeds for the musky earthiness at the heart of every woman.

This cocktail isn’t licorice or aniseed forward. The sambuca’s job is to add depth and adultiness.

Recipients: Guests that can handle all the intensity in every sip.

Type: Shaken

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